Friday, March 21, 2008

I realized I am dying with my Account Assignment here. I did try to do something and so I did all the T-accounts. Xiemin said this "Why are you doing all the T-accounts?" and I knew I did it wrongly. SO yesterday, for the whole day I try to figure out the assignment and guess what, now I don't what account I should make should not and that means if the first question I can't do, the rest of the question is a lost case.

Please forgive me everyone. I am THAT bad in account. T.T
Promise to make it up to you all by typing the accounts instead but can't really print as usual. My printer is being an ass. The ink dripped from the paper! How is that even possible, I have no idea.

Speaking of my beloved printer, I wasted whole lot of papers just because I need to print the notes and the ink it's either not coming out or coming out way too much.

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