Sunday, July 13, 2008


Currently, my mind is thinking of ways to debate with Frank on Monday using stress and smoking. I do not want to go there speechless while listening to him talking about smoking smoking and smoking. Bloody hell, I think I am having nightmare whenever I thought of that word.

So far, what we can write about stress is:

  • causes of stress
  • effects of stress
  • good and bad stress
  • symptoms
  • ways to deal with stress
  • types of stress~ acute stress
    ~ episodic acute stress
    ~ chronic stress ( I do not know it's true a not)
Frankly speaking, symptoms and good and bad stress, there is nothing much to write about. I think types of stress can be categorized into good and bad stress.

Where as about smoking:

  • effects of smoking
  • contents of cigarettes
  • second hand smoker
  • why do people smoke
  • ways to stop smoking
Frank still got few more points to say. He is in the winning strike. Girls and boys, any idea what to add?

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