Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ridiculous Stupid Weird Dream

Today I woke up at 7 a.m. when I slept around 2 something more or less because Baby Ryan is being a very "good" baby. When I woke up I am unable to sleep back again until half an hour later. Then, I had a very very weird dream.

I dream of the five of us, me potato, papaya, jelly and Melissa still in our prefects uniform along with the police is investigating a murder case but there is no corpse to begin with. There were many policemen and women, the forensic group searching for DNA analysis something like that(just like CSI and for your information, I didn't watch CSI for a few months long).

Then the rest of them went up to the top floor which is suppose to be a rooftop, at least my brain is thinking that while I remained at the bottom floor. It looked like an old apartment from the outside. Later on, I realized they weren't there and so I decided to go to the top floor and search for my friends. Going to the top floor means the stairs are going upwards right? I dream myself going downwards and upwards and the stairs somehow look like my college stairs that connect Block B with Block A. I found them chatting happily with few children in a very spacious, high class and nice room and they were all eating pudding while listening to loud music. There was a waiter there and I wanted to order a pudding too (=.=) until two policemen reached where we are and angrily told us that our professor are searching for us.

I was like "Yes. We are on our way" and we went down. Then, I saw an image of a little girl using a mop like weapon to kill her little baby brother by wrapping the mop all over her baby brother suffocating him and I called for help. The rest of us is down there while Papaya remained at the top floor. I continued to called for her and then she send a message through MSN and said "Don't worry I am fine." I was like typing and typing and typing the words out but I keep on getting the words wrong. At last I manage to type out "Come down papaya.It's dangerous up there."

Papaya came down but along with the girl with the weapon in hand, glaring evilly at me, her eyes glinting as if she was hinting that she is going to kill everyone here. We backed away and she swing her weapon trying to hit us....and then my phone rang with the message my piano teacher send to me telling us that she had successfully gave birth this morning and I congratulate her or thought I did until I woke up again and saw that I am unable to send message because it's already expire.. So I don't even know what happen to my dream at the very end. I exchange the new number and congratulate her.

The End.

I thought about this too when I was dreaming.

"What a ridiculous stupid weird dream I am having." I am being serious here. I actually thought of that because I am already half awake during that time but the dream just continue to happen.

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