Today I went to college early, so I waited at the fountain (open canteen) alone while reading the story book that I am going to return it back to Xiemin again just to past my time. Suddenly, there is a soft greeting of 'hello' from my back and I ignored it thinking that nobody will be calling me. But the hello continued and when I looked up from the book...and guess who did I saw?
Exactly! The Indian man!
He of course as usual kept on babbling and I let him. He asked my name and all those minor stuff. Then he asked me whether I wanted to join the Christian Fellowship which I intend to do so. I was even planning to call the President himself. He tell me the time and all and I was kind of suspicious that he knows so much of the fellowship since he first said that he is not into any religion at all. Of course, the touching part will always stick to him as I am again getting harassed.
Then, all of them arrived and once again saw the Indian man. I pretend to read my book and he didn't come to me maybe because both Chloe and Kah Ann was there. I had my lunch then we ended up playing Chor Tai Di. We were supposed to play Baccarat but they are too complicated so we played Chor Tai Di. People are looking weirdly. I think that they must have this thoughts about us playing cards in college which doesn't seem too good. After all, we are just passing our time.
We went to our lecture and guess what? Met the Indian guy again, helping the lecturer. We were talking so loud and laughing and Christine actually suggested that Chloe to kick the Indian man who stand right in front of her at the place that do not shine(in between the legs) and we laughed so loud that the lecturer asked what's the joke that we laughed so much. After, the computer was set up and everything, the Indian man are very reluctant to go, standing near the door looking at our direction I presume. I pretend to ignore him.
Then, during break. Christine asked the lecturer about the Indian man and he said that he was actually afraid of him! I seriously thought that Indian man have some "fear my endless talking" aura around him that even the lecturer ran away from him. So...the lecture was as usual enjoyable.
I learned something new though. I have learned the long meaning of PHD as in Permanent Head Damage. So whoever is going to get PHD after their master means they are going to get a permanent head damage. True isn't? Such a lovely lecturer we have. Have such a sense of humour that never fails to make us laugh. Mr.Gilbert as in fish Gill.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I don't have class today so I ended up watching animes till 3 o'clock or probably more in the morning yesterday but I fell asleep in the middle of episode 32. SO I am going to watch it again today. I shouldn't have sit on my bed while watching full screen with blanket draped over me. The warmness and comfortableness just make me unable to resist the temptation to close my eyes and relax.
Of course, the video is still playing with noises. I guess right after the video ended, I sprang up from bed realized that I had fallen asleep. *sigh* I am becoming so pathetic for not able to stay up late anymore. What happened to my 5 o'clock only sleep resolution?! I did this countless of time but still I love staying up late. It's a peaceful with nobody to interrupt me when I am in my room alone except when my auntie is back from Taiping, I most probably won''t have the room to myself any longer. So let me savour the moment of having my room to my self to the maximum.
It's raining now and the cloud are all Grey in colour. It makes me feel so miserable.
Of course, the video is still playing with noises. I guess right after the video ended, I sprang up from bed realized that I had fallen asleep. *sigh* I am becoming so pathetic for not able to stay up late anymore. What happened to my 5 o'clock only sleep resolution?! I did this countless of time but still I love staying up late. It's a peaceful with nobody to interrupt me when I am in my room alone except when my auntie is back from Taiping, I most probably won''t have the room to myself any longer. So let me savour the moment of having my room to my self to the maximum.
It's raining now and the cloud are all Grey in colour. It makes me feel so miserable.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tagged by: Xiemin
P/S: Can see the font? It's in pink when I paste it here. Weird.
Name: Yap Mun Yee
Single or taken: Single.
Gender: Female
Birthday: 2nd April
Sign:Aries the ram. That is why I am so stubborn.
Hair color: Black...but not too black.
Eye color: Black
Height: 160cm+
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?:
Err...maybe a better question is "do you shop?"
Favorite designer?:
Myself but my sense of fashion are bad.
What is your sexiest outfit?: I agree with you Xiemin. Bra and underwears
What is your most comfortable outfit?: My overlarge t-shirts.
What do you usually wear?: Blouse and jeans.
What kind of shampoo do you use?:
It doesn't have a brand. It comes in a big container.
What are you listening to right now: Saigo no Kajitsu
Who is the last person that called you?: My daddy.
How many buddies are online right now?: Chloe is on right now.
Foods: Sushi is the best. I love my mum's cooking as well.
Guy names:
Subjects in school:
Most of it is still bearable except Intro to Prob and Stat because of the lecturer that drown me to slumber.
Animals: Puppies and Rabbits. Tigers and Lions. Panda and kangaroo. Cats and Hamster. All the cute cute ones!
Given anyone a bath?:
Smoked?: Nope. I hate people smoking.
Bungee jumped?: 0.0 let my mum know that I wanted to try that, you will have to see me in my next life time.
Made yourself throw up?: Why would I want to do that? =.=
Skinny dipped?: Nope.
Ever been in love?: No. Am I normal for a teenage girl i wonder.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I don't play crocodile tears game my friend.
Ever imagined your crush naked?: never have a crush to begin with.
Actually seen your crush naked?: refer to the top question.
Cried when someone died?: Yes.
Lied?: =.=
Fallen for your best friend?: My best friends are all girls. =.=
Rejected someone?: Never had a chance to do so.
Done something you regret?: Few times.
You touched: Person ah? My mum I guess.
You IMed: Chloe
Yelled at: Innerly then yes.
Kissed: my mum.
Understanding: Mmm hmm.
Open-minded: Modern girls do think open-mindedly.
Arrogant: Nah. Nothing to be feel arrogant about.
Insecure: Very secure.
Want another long long pointless emails and post?
Moody: Yes. I admit it.
Organized: Err...can't say I am.
Healthy: My nickname is Cherry. What do you think?
Shy: Infront of person I do not know of.
Difficult: Yes? No? I dunno.
Bored easily: Hell yeah.
Like them alot but not really obsessed I suppose.
Sad: Nope-y.
Happy: Yea.
Hyper: Yes. When I am having fun.
Trusting: trusting as in trust-worthy?
Kill?: Oh. That freaking Indian guy who can't stop talking about switching off the hand phones in front of me so many bloody damn times and walked to and fro, making me feel like stabbing him and leave him dead. That explains alot right?
Slap?:Same fellow up above.
Get really wasted with?: No one.
Get high with: Jelly wiggle wiggle with our arms and hips harassing I guess.
Talk to offline: I always talk offline.
Talk to online: None.
Sex it up with: No one.
In the morning I: wake up and get ready for another day of college.
I dream about:
Weird dreams that I do not want to think about it.
What do you notice first in the opposite sex you're into: Appearance. Dressing style. Mature anot.
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Flowers or candy: Both are nice but candy the best.!
Tall or short:
Makes you laugh the most: All of my friends.
Makes you smile: Someone who just makes me happy.
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Funny feeling? I don't think so.
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?:
Not really.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: =.=
Wish you were younger: 18 is good.
Of times I have had my heart broken: none
Of hearts I have broken: none
Of guys I've kissed: none
Of girls I've kissed:
Of CD's I own:
Few...but can't remember them.
Of scars on my body: Yeah.
P/S: Can see the font? It's in pink when I paste it here. Weird.
Name: Yap Mun Yee
Single or taken: Single.
Gender: Female
Birthday: 2nd April
Sign:Aries the ram. That is why I am so stubborn.
Hair color: Black...but not too black.
Eye color: Black
Height: 160cm+
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?:
Err...maybe a better question is "do you shop?"
Favorite designer?:
Myself but my sense of fashion are bad.
What is your sexiest outfit?: I agree with you Xiemin. Bra and underwears
What is your most comfortable outfit?: My overlarge t-shirts.
What do you usually wear?: Blouse and jeans.
What kind of shampoo do you use?:
It doesn't have a brand. It comes in a big container.
What are you listening to right now: Saigo no Kajitsu
Who is the last person that called you?: My daddy.
How many buddies are online right now?: Chloe is on right now.
Foods: Sushi is the best. I love my mum's cooking as well.
Guy names:
Subjects in school:
Most of it is still bearable except Intro to Prob and Stat because of the lecturer that drown me to slumber.
Animals: Puppies and Rabbits. Tigers and Lions. Panda and kangaroo. Cats and Hamster. All the cute cute ones!
Given anyone a bath?:
Smoked?: Nope. I hate people smoking.
Bungee jumped?: 0.0 let my mum know that I wanted to try that, you will have to see me in my next life time.
Made yourself throw up?: Why would I want to do that? =.=
Skinny dipped?: Nope.
Ever been in love?: No. Am I normal for a teenage girl i wonder.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I don't play crocodile tears game my friend.
Ever imagined your crush naked?: never have a crush to begin with.
Actually seen your crush naked?: refer to the top question.
Cried when someone died?: Yes.
Lied?: =.=
Fallen for your best friend?: My best friends are all girls. =.=
Rejected someone?: Never had a chance to do so.
Done something you regret?: Few times.
You touched: Person ah? My mum I guess.
You IMed: Chloe
Yelled at: Innerly then yes.
Kissed: my mum.
Understanding: Mmm hmm.
Open-minded: Modern girls do think open-mindedly.
Arrogant: Nah. Nothing to be feel arrogant about.
Insecure: Very secure.
Want another long long pointless emails and post?
Moody: Yes. I admit it.
Organized: Err...can't say I am.
Healthy: My nickname is Cherry. What do you think?
Shy: Infront of person I do not know of.
Difficult: Yes? No? I dunno.
Bored easily: Hell yeah.
Like them alot but not really obsessed I suppose.
Sad: Nope-y.
Happy: Yea.
Hyper: Yes. When I am having fun.
Trusting: trusting as in trust-worthy?
Kill?: Oh. That freaking Indian guy who can't stop talking about switching off the hand phones in front of me so many bloody damn times and walked to and fro, making me feel like stabbing him and leave him dead. That explains alot right?
Slap?:Same fellow up above.
Get really wasted with?: No one.
Get high with: Jelly wiggle wiggle with our arms and hips harassing I guess.
Talk to offline: I always talk offline.
Talk to online: None.
Sex it up with: No one.
In the morning I: wake up and get ready for another day of college.
I dream about:
Weird dreams that I do not want to think about it.
What do you notice first in the opposite sex you're into: Appearance. Dressing style. Mature anot.
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Flowers or candy: Both are nice but candy the best.!
Tall or short:
Makes you laugh the most: All of my friends.
Makes you smile: Someone who just makes me happy.
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Funny feeling? I don't think so.
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?:
Not really.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: =.=
Wish you were younger: 18 is good.
Of times I have had my heart broken: none
Of hearts I have broken: none
Of guys I've kissed: none
Of girls I've kissed:
Of CD's I own:
Few...but can't remember them.
Of scars on my body: Yeah.
Today I had my Accounting mid-term exam and frankly speaking, the multiple choice question is pretty tough. I did some careless mistakes as it is unavoidable when it comes to me. Then we had pizza for lunch at Pizza Hut in the supermarket Giant. The four of us which is Xiemin, Chloe, Kah Ann and me(Duh!) walked to Pizza Hut under the scorching hot and sunny sunlight at 12 in the afternoon. We were like "Very hot." then "Very cold." pretending that the weather is cold. Me and Kah Ann just trying to convince ourself that the Pizza Hut is not very far away. We keep on saying "Very near. Very near."
We are weird weird people. Next time, who got a car first, we will have to make a Reserved plate for ourself and drive down.
I haven't pay for my part because I leave early(Remember to remind me okay?). My dad is own his way back from Kepong so he called me whether I want to go home early a not so he don't have to go so many rounds and then later on, my mother called and asked me the same thing. How nice^^ I feel so loved~ Just kidding.
Ah. Now I remember what I want to write for my last three post after Chloe reminded me. I got 24.5 out of 25 for our group assignment which is our first assignment and I felt really happy. The marks contributed lots for out Economics marks because if we didn't score that high for our assignments, I wouldn't dare to imagine what marks I will get. So in total, I get 46.5 over 55%.
We got out first Accounting assignment too. Xiemind said it was it the chapters behind and we had never learn it before. How did she expect us to do? Thank god we have Xiemin, the expert in Acc. I always call her that because she just finish her account so fast and get it all correct. Pro!
So practically, that's all. Will write more soon.
We are weird weird people. Next time, who got a car first, we will have to make a Reserved plate for ourself and drive down.
I haven't pay for my part because I leave early(Remember to remind me okay?). My dad is own his way back from Kepong so he called me whether I want to go home early a not so he don't have to go so many rounds and then later on, my mother called and asked me the same thing. How nice^^ I feel so loved~ Just kidding.
Ah. Now I remember what I want to write for my last three post after Chloe reminded me. I got 24.5 out of 25 for our group assignment which is our first assignment and I felt really happy. The marks contributed lots for out Economics marks because if we didn't score that high for our assignments, I wouldn't dare to imagine what marks I will get. So in total, I get 46.5 over 55%.
We got out first Accounting assignment too. Xiemind said it was it the chapters behind and we had never learn it before. How did she expect us to do? Thank god we have Xiemin, the expert in Acc. I always call her that because she just finish her account so fast and get it all correct. Pro!
So practically, that's all. Will write more soon.
Monday, February 25, 2008

Gundam Seed & Gundam Seed Destiny
MY first favourite couple! Even though their relationship is still unconfirmed due to the producers thick headed skull but still AsuCaga forever!
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Saiunkoku Monogatari
Nice isn't it? My favourite couple. And included bishies^^ Chasing the season 2 now. Ryuuki must get together with Shuurei or else I will cry.

Hamtaro Wallpaper
My all time favourite! Such cute hamsters. Especially Hamtaro and Bijou.

Tsubasa Chronicles Wallpaper
Tsubasa Chronicles. Didn't manage to get the wallpaper of Tsubasa Tokyo Revelation which is a sequel to it. Mokona, Fye and Kurogane is missing in this picture. nice nice songs from this anime as well.

Bleach Wallpaper
WTH? Now the main character is gone. Seriously, I should have choose a nicer wallpaper but they have 54 in total. I would be dead browsing them. I am now currently chasing this anime.
They are lots more to put^^ but I decided to leave few here first. Ahh~
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I wonder what mess did I get myself into today? I think I should measure my own abilities before agreeing to anything but still I couldn't refuse somebody. That is one of the treat that I have and I hated the most. I should really learn how to refuse somebody when they asked me for something.I am sure the outcome won't be pretty so I will wait till next Saturday to know actually how it works out.Oh dear. I sure hope it doesn't happen. If it does happen, let it be good and don't have to make fun of myself.
I always wanted to write title for my blog but it seems like they doesn't appear. So...I don't need to write any title. They just won't appear and I don't understand why. Ahh...I am just being ridiculous here due to the extra time I got to brood over the internet for not being enjoyable enough for me so kindly ignore me. I just feel like typing something and I found out that my blog is just as enjoyable to type in other than Microsoft Word(MW). At least, I no need to think at all when I am writing here unlike in MW, I did crack my brain for half a minute to know to what to write.
And another difference is, in here I am talking in first person point of view which is about myself. In MW, I am talking about third person point of view.
Do you know, when you are about to type something down and you are currently listening to soft melody or somehow reminds you of something sad, your fingers just move on their own and write down something angst-y. You feel angst as well. No kidding but of course not to the point of committing suicide or anything like that. Just make me feel like writing something that make people cry. I don't think I ever succeeded but sometimes they tell me the cried when they read what I wrote which I don't find it that tragically sad, it's just a normal sad that they can't get together something like that which in the end they will get together for I wanted my favourite couple to get together. I wouldn't call myself emotionless...since I cried like mad woman when saw sad sad show or read sad sad books.
See....just talkinf about this make me feel guilty. I knew I wrote a small part of the next chapter that I am supposed to update during lecture but what I can finish two side of a paper in less than half an hour can't be considered any good. Well...when it comes to these thing, I don't think I ever use my brain to come out with something. There is sometimes...but rarely and the brain worked less than a minute. Why aren't my brain move that bloody fast when I am studying or having exams or even doing calculations?
See...they are getting longer isn't my post? I need to practice myself in writing long long since I couldn't fork out even 5 pages of MW without difficulties due to my inactive in writing. this time, I feel like sending my oh ever-so-famous long long emails to dear Melissa. Always the victim she is. Quiet but never fails to bully me.
Oh, wanna know what I did today? I spend my time with my computer for few hours, then I go watch Astro on Demand Preview and ended watching The Seventh Day episode 1 for so many times that I can actually memorize the dialog. I mean, the advertise other show for 15 minutes and again they start back episode 1. Not like it's a bad thing but still I prefer you will do episode 2. The new show Tai Chi is...ok I guess. I like the China actor Vincent Zhao even when he do the show Wind and Cloud. But I am getting bored of seeing Myolie for so many times. A little bored of seeing Raymond Lam and Bosco not to mention Charmaine Sheh but that just proved that they are good actors and actresses since they just keep on appearing in TV Dramas.
I think I should stop now.
I always wanted to write title for my blog but it seems like they doesn't appear. So...I don't need to write any title. They just won't appear and I don't understand why. Ahh...I am just being ridiculous here due to the extra time I got to brood over the internet for not being enjoyable enough for me so kindly ignore me. I just feel like typing something and I found out that my blog is just as enjoyable to type in other than Microsoft Word(MW). At least, I no need to think at all when I am writing here unlike in MW, I did crack my brain for half a minute to know to what to write.
And another difference is, in here I am talking in first person point of view which is about myself. In MW, I am talking about third person point of view.
Do you know, when you are about to type something down and you are currently listening to soft melody or somehow reminds you of something sad, your fingers just move on their own and write down something angst-y. You feel angst as well. No kidding but of course not to the point of committing suicide or anything like that. Just make me feel like writing something that make people cry. I don't think I ever succeeded but sometimes they tell me the cried when they read what I wrote which I don't find it that tragically sad, it's just a normal sad that they can't get together something like that which in the end they will get together for I wanted my favourite couple to get together. I wouldn't call myself emotionless...since I cried like mad woman when saw sad sad show or read sad sad books.
See....just talkinf about this make me feel guilty. I knew I wrote a small part of the next chapter that I am supposed to update during lecture but what I can finish two side of a paper in less than half an hour can't be considered any good. Well...when it comes to these thing, I don't think I ever use my brain to come out with something. There is sometimes...but rarely and the brain worked less than a minute. Why aren't my brain move that bloody fast when I am studying or having exams or even doing calculations?
See...they are getting longer isn't my post? I need to practice myself in writing long long since I couldn't fork out even 5 pages of MW without difficulties due to my inactive in writing. this time, I feel like sending my oh ever-so-famous long long emails to dear Melissa. Always the victim she is. Quiet but never fails to bully me.
Oh, wanna know what I did today? I spend my time with my computer for few hours, then I go watch Astro on Demand Preview and ended watching The Seventh Day episode 1 for so many times that I can actually memorize the dialog. I mean, the advertise other show for 15 minutes and again they start back episode 1. Not like it's a bad thing but still I prefer you will do episode 2. The new show Tai Chi is...ok I guess. I like the China actor Vincent Zhao even when he do the show Wind and Cloud. But I am getting bored of seeing Myolie for so many times. A little bored of seeing Raymond Lam and Bosco not to mention Charmaine Sheh but that just proved that they are good actors and actresses since they just keep on appearing in TV Dramas.
I think I should stop now.
Friday, February 22, 2008
I had my first Business test and next week, we are going to have mid-terms. Who ever thought that we will have mid exams during February? So, the questions are just fine, I did some mistakes but what's done is done. So no point talking about it.
Then we head to our lecture. Today's lecture is very entertaining and I couldn't stop laughing. This is the funniest part:
We are talking about Business Law and one of the law is Tort Law where something about suing people who imposed injury to someone physically, reputation or property. So our lecturer gave examples about one people stepped on a banana skin and you just roll down the stairs from the top to the bottom.
"Who's fault was that?" the lecturer asked.
"The banana's fault." anonymous person answered.
"Banana?!" the lecturer was shocked and he looked funny with his expression. The lecturer continued "You all have insurance right? The insurance will protect you from....?"
"Banana."again, the anonymous person said it again.
So...I am basically laughing at Banana's as it is one of the funniest part in lecture today. Let's minus the rest of them. I can just remember this one XD.
Oh. I am having fun teasing Xiemin again for getting caught! Hohoho!
Then we head to our lecture. Today's lecture is very entertaining and I couldn't stop laughing. This is the funniest part:
We are talking about Business Law and one of the law is Tort Law where something about suing people who imposed injury to someone physically, reputation or property. So our lecturer gave examples about one people stepped on a banana skin and you just roll down the stairs from the top to the bottom.
"Who's fault was that?" the lecturer asked.
"The banana's fault." anonymous person answered.
"Banana?!" the lecturer was shocked and he looked funny with his expression. The lecturer continued "You all have insurance right? The insurance will protect you from....?"
"Banana."again, the anonymous person said it again.
So...I am basically laughing at Banana's as it is one of the funniest part in lecture today. Let's minus the rest of them. I can just remember this one XD.
Oh. I am having fun teasing Xiemin again for getting caught! Hohoho!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Oh yea. Few informations to share.
That day I have a chat with Jie Qi who are now in New Zealand and finally adapting to the life and the slang of the residents there. She said she will be back for the holidays whenever that is and most probably will be at the end of the year I think and she asked me whether I wanted to go out with her and so I said yes. Can't say no to a long time no see friend right and all the way in New Zealand. Tough job.
I said yes and of course I said this too. "Sure. Let's get together with the rest of them." In which the rest of them is you all.Everyone that she knew here that included in the food gangs but about Potato I'm not too sure. Melissa, you aren't escaping another time and I am not planning to go meet her alone with nothing to say due to years of not talking and that is if she stills remember about the plan but I am not going to risk it. She have one bloody good memory I tell you. After all she is a PTS student, what do we expect from them?Their brains work better! ( with exception of Teh) So..please don't say no. I beg you!
We are like:
Jie Qi: How are you and the rest of them? Yu-Ann and Melissa....
Mun Yee: They are great. What about you? Can adapt to New Zealand yet?
Jie Qi: Yea. I finally can get understand the slang they have. It took me few weeks to do so.
Mun Yee: I am glad to hear that.
Jie Qi: How's you family especially your mum?
Mun Yee: They are all doing great. What about you family?
Jie Qi: My mum came with us but my father is still in M'sia. I still have homesick even though my mother is here with me.
Mun Yee: Of course. You have been living in M'sia for so long.
And so on and so forth. Of course it's not exactly the same words in the conversation but it sounded something just like that. But certain parts of the conversation is there and some other that relate to what course we are planning to take. Dentistry if you all are curious and we asked each other about the fees and all. So...we get to my father accident and kidney stones(=.=) and she said she will pray for my father. A very sweet girl don't you think? I always liked her anyway.
The sub topic questions.
What will I do right after I post this?
I will be staring at the Business book. Note the word staring. Let me emphasize the word staring. It's not reading! Reading means a totally different meaning and it involves flipping of pages and information entering the mind. But staring means you are still looking at the same page for who knows how long and not a single thing is entering.
Got it? Good explanation without actually searching through thick thick dictionaries. Aren't I good or something? And now let's just pretend you never read the "Aren't I good or something" shall we?
I am going back to staring my book and bothering our dear papaya-chan who is having Accounting test tomorrow.
That day I have a chat with Jie Qi who are now in New Zealand and finally adapting to the life and the slang of the residents there. She said she will be back for the holidays whenever that is and most probably will be at the end of the year I think and she asked me whether I wanted to go out with her and so I said yes. Can't say no to a long time no see friend right and all the way in New Zealand. Tough job.
I said yes and of course I said this too. "Sure. Let's get together with the rest of them." In which the rest of them is you all.Everyone that she knew here that included in the food gangs but about Potato I'm not too sure. Melissa, you aren't escaping another time and I am not planning to go meet her alone with nothing to say due to years of not talking and that is if she stills remember about the plan but I am not going to risk it. She have one bloody good memory I tell you. After all she is a PTS student, what do we expect from them?Their brains work better! ( with exception of Teh) So..please don't say no. I beg you!
We are like:
Jie Qi: How are you and the rest of them? Yu-Ann and Melissa....
Mun Yee: They are great. What about you? Can adapt to New Zealand yet?
Jie Qi: Yea. I finally can get understand the slang they have. It took me few weeks to do so.
Mun Yee: I am glad to hear that.
Jie Qi: How's you family especially your mum?
Mun Yee: They are all doing great. What about you family?
Jie Qi: My mum came with us but my father is still in M'sia. I still have homesick even though my mother is here with me.
Mun Yee: Of course. You have been living in M'sia for so long.
And so on and so forth. Of course it's not exactly the same words in the conversation but it sounded something just like that. But certain parts of the conversation is there and some other that relate to what course we are planning to take. Dentistry if you all are curious and we asked each other about the fees and all. So...we get to my father accident and kidney stones(=.=) and she said she will pray for my father. A very sweet girl don't you think? I always liked her anyway.
The sub topic questions.
What will I do right after I post this?
I will be staring at the Business book. Note the word staring. Let me emphasize the word staring. It's not reading! Reading means a totally different meaning and it involves flipping of pages and information entering the mind. But staring means you are still looking at the same page for who knows how long and not a single thing is entering.
Got it? Good explanation without actually searching through thick thick dictionaries. Aren't I good or something? And now let's just pretend you never read the "Aren't I good or something" shall we?
I am going back to staring my book and bothering our dear papaya-chan who is having Accounting test tomorrow.
After my Accounting class, my parents and I had our breakfast outside. It seems forever that I last eating outside with my family(except my brother because he always went missing for many reasons to count). Of course eating out, I don't mean with friends because that would means I am eating out almost few times a week. College canteen( can consider eating out?) and the shop near the college and McD and maybe Pizza Hut? Eating with family is nice...and with bonus, my pocket money is saved for another day^^.Mummy no longer give me pocket money instead she took my money out of the bank and asked me to use it oh-so-wisely.
Wanna go Pizza Hut next week? I must be back before my piano class though. So let me think about it first. Talk about use the money wisely =.= but the desire to eat something that you craved must be fulfilled first^^
Maybe I shouldn't write about Pizza Hut when I am not sure about it myself ?
Tomorrow I got Business exam and unfortunately I am way far behind to finish reading it. I am definitely dying. Got structure and multiple choice questions. Even though with multiple choice question, I could hardly know how to answer and with only an hour to complete everything, I don't know how I will survive in there. I tend to have panic attack especially exams( Account and Probability & Statistics) Don't mention Quantitative Method because I did the most silliest careless mistakes in history other than 1+1 and I still manage to write 3 down few years back. Did I mention I don't like calculating?
Then...what else I needed to write it down. Aha! There are many March story(fanfic) writing competition in the communities I joined but again, I can't participate. I might able to write front and back fanfic on a paper in less than half an hour with unreadable handwriting but still, it's a fandom that I am not familiar with. So...I am going to wait for another challenge. I got mid-terms so I got so many exams.
I know I keep on mentioning I got exam and yet I am still typing here. Give me a break people. give me a break!!!! I am going to continue to watch XXX Holic(anime) again and continuous from yesterday.
Wanna go Pizza Hut next week? I must be back before my piano class though. So let me think about it first. Talk about use the money wisely =.= but the desire to eat something that you craved must be fulfilled first^^
Maybe I shouldn't write about Pizza Hut when I am not sure about it myself ?
Tomorrow I got Business exam and unfortunately I am way far behind to finish reading it. I am definitely dying. Got structure and multiple choice questions. Even though with multiple choice question, I could hardly know how to answer and with only an hour to complete everything, I don't know how I will survive in there. I tend to have panic attack especially exams( Account and Probability & Statistics) Don't mention Quantitative Method because I did the most silliest careless mistakes in history other than 1+1 and I still manage to write 3 down few years back. Did I mention I don't like calculating?
Then...what else I needed to write it down. Aha! There are many March story(fanfic) writing competition in the communities I joined but again, I can't participate. I might able to write front and back fanfic on a paper in less than half an hour with unreadable handwriting but still, it's a fandom that I am not familiar with. So...I am going to wait for another challenge. I got mid-terms so I got so many exams.
I know I keep on mentioning I got exam and yet I am still typing here. Give me a break people. give me a break!!!! I am going to continue to watch XXX Holic(anime) again and continuous from yesterday.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I gotten my gift for the gift exchange and guess what did I get?
I gotten myself three different colours of nail polish. It's a gift from Chloe and I gave her mine. I guess the Mun Yee's get each other presents huh? Well, don't worry about me not liking it. I might not use it but still it doesn't mean that I don't like it. I like the colours^^
Surprising that I will ever get nail polish. I want try to put it on my mother but she don't want to entertain me T.T
Xiemin: Try to put them on. I want see the yellow one tomorrow.
Me: I tried putting them on but I can't apply them nicely. I don't know how to explain to you but it doesn't look nice on me. Not the colours, it's just that it looked like it wasn't smooth, as if there is a bump on a smooth road. I know, lame example but that's the best I can give you.
One thing I don't understand is why every single time I typed colours or favourites, there must be a red line underneath it? It's still the correct spelling just depends American English or British English. It doesn't look nice both in here and Microsoft Word so I always add them into dictionary. Troublesome.
What about humor? or humour?
I gotten myself three different colours of nail polish. It's a gift from Chloe and I gave her mine. I guess the Mun Yee's get each other presents huh? Well, don't worry about me not liking it. I might not use it but still it doesn't mean that I don't like it. I like the colours^^
Surprising that I will ever get nail polish. I want try to put it on my mother but she don't want to entertain me T.T
Xiemin: Try to put them on. I want see the yellow one tomorrow.
Me: I tried putting them on but I can't apply them nicely. I don't know how to explain to you but it doesn't look nice on me. Not the colours, it's just that it looked like it wasn't smooth, as if there is a bump on a smooth road. I know, lame example but that's the best I can give you.
One thing I don't understand is why every single time I typed colours or favourites, there must be a red line underneath it? It's still the correct spelling just depends American English or British English. It doesn't look nice both in here and Microsoft Word so I always add them into dictionary. Troublesome.
What about humor? or humour?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Video ahead.
This is a Princess TuTu video and it's not a dumb show. It's done well with the effects and all and it's one of my favourite. There are more and even better video but You Tube is being as ass and remove every single one of them especially the first Princess TuTu video that I fell in love with.
Since I got nothing to do and Economics are not entering my mind, so I have decided to explore YouTube and search back all my favourites.
This is a Princess TuTu video and it's not a dumb show. It's done well with the effects and all and it's one of my favourite. There are more and even better video but You Tube is being as ass and remove every single one of them especially the first Princess TuTu video that I fell in love with.
Since I got nothing to do and Economics are not entering my mind, so I have decided to explore YouTube and search back all my favourites.
I drove home today from church yet again but with my P license and P plate intact^^. However, while I was trying to listening to my father what I supposed to do, my mother have to scream and shout my mistakes when it's not my fault to begin with. Why blame me when the other car trying to cut me while I was already showed my signal for so long and the head of my car already halfway on the other side of the road? I will cut on the part they "honked" me for driving slow. Goodness, look at the P sign there. If last week, you honked me, I will think because I did not put a P sign but since the P sign all bright red, what's your reason of honing me because I drove slowly and with bonus safely.
Seriously my mother have to understand, the car I am driving now is slightly different from the Kancil I drove. The steering in Kancil is I have to turn slightly more than usual for the car to able to turn but when I was driving my brother's car, I realized I have to turn the steering slightly and not as much like I did when I drove a Kancil manual. She also have to realize, I haven't touch the car for almost few weeks right after I got my P license. SO basically, I have forgotten actually how to drive a car. Remember when two weeks I didn't drive during my lessons, I actually drive so pathetically and my naik bukit and all was a disaster until my instructor was so frustrated saying "That day you were still okay, naik bukit everything fine but why today you are like this?". I remembered so well what he said and I think that No driving does this to you.
Tomorrow Economics test.
Seriously my mother have to understand, the car I am driving now is slightly different from the Kancil I drove. The steering in Kancil is I have to turn slightly more than usual for the car to able to turn but when I was driving my brother's car, I realized I have to turn the steering slightly and not as much like I did when I drove a Kancil manual. She also have to realize, I haven't touch the car for almost few weeks right after I got my P license. SO basically, I have forgotten actually how to drive a car. Remember when two weeks I didn't drive during my lessons, I actually drive so pathetically and my naik bukit and all was a disaster until my instructor was so frustrated saying "That day you were still okay, naik bukit everything fine but why today you are like this?". I remembered so well what he said and I think that No driving does this to you.
Tomorrow Economics test.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A survey that I asked Xiemin to do but she insisted I do first. I think I am going to do a drabble instead.
Survey About Feelings:
1.Angry: It's just when nobody understands what I am thinking and keep on accusing me when I did nothing wrong. Just like the other day, when I said I doesn't know how to operate the Microsoft Excel, my brother scolded me because the document was urgent for him. My tone might be a little too harsh because I just came back from college after 6, I am dead tired and he keep on pestering me to do it for him which I doesn't know how to. I got angry and snapped.
2. Boring: Boring is when I got nothing to do. Since I got something to do now, I don't really feel boring but usually I feel boring when I got nothing to do. I am sure you get the point.
3. Cheerful: Well, getting to tease Xiemin never fails to make me cheerful. She used to be easy to tease but now it's kind of hard because she keep on insisting that she no longer like slang.
4.Disappointed : I used to write ten or more paged of Microsoft Words for my stories but now I am struggling to write even five pages. A year of not writing do that to me. Very disappointed!
5. Fear: The fear I have for that Indian man are unimaginable.
6.Giddy: I don't feel anything about it. So no comment.
7.Happy: Going college is fun and makes my life happier. I got friends and that added the bonus.
8. Irritated: I am irritated that sometimes things doesn't go my way. When I wanted to enjoy myself by going out, there is just sometimes I am not allowed to do so.
9. Love: The topic that Xiemin dreaded the most. I got love for my family and friends. I love my family who raised me for who I am and my friends for who they are. All of my family members and friends made me life way better.
No mix unfortunately^^ because I do not know him.
10. Mournful : I am still mourning for my two cute little rabbits. They wouldn't have die if mother didn't send them away to her friend. If they were still with me, they will be much happier.
Tag list: Jessica, Melissa, Evans, Xiemin, Chloe and Kah Ann.
P/S: Feel free to write any form you want.
Survey About Feelings:
1.Angry: It's just when nobody understands what I am thinking and keep on accusing me when I did nothing wrong. Just like the other day, when I said I doesn't know how to operate the Microsoft Excel, my brother scolded me because the document was urgent for him. My tone might be a little too harsh because I just came back from college after 6, I am dead tired and he keep on pestering me to do it for him which I doesn't know how to. I got angry and snapped.
2. Boring: Boring is when I got nothing to do. Since I got something to do now, I don't really feel boring but usually I feel boring when I got nothing to do. I am sure you get the point.
3. Cheerful: Well, getting to tease Xiemin never fails to make me cheerful. She used to be easy to tease but now it's kind of hard because she keep on insisting that she no longer like slang.
4.Disappointed : I used to write ten or more paged of Microsoft Words for my stories but now I am struggling to write even five pages. A year of not writing do that to me. Very disappointed!
5. Fear: The fear I have for that Indian man are unimaginable.
6.Giddy: I don't feel anything about it. So no comment.
7.Happy: Going college is fun and makes my life happier. I got friends and that added the bonus.
8. Irritated: I am irritated that sometimes things doesn't go my way. When I wanted to enjoy myself by going out, there is just sometimes I am not allowed to do so.
9. Love: The topic that Xiemin dreaded the most. I got love for my family and friends. I love my family who raised me for who I am and my friends for who they are. All of my family members and friends made me life way better.
No mix unfortunately^^ because I do not know him.
10. Mournful : I am still mourning for my two cute little rabbits. They wouldn't have die if mother didn't send them away to her friend. If they were still with me, they will be much happier.
Tag list: Jessica, Melissa, Evans, Xiemin, Chloe and Kah Ann.
P/S: Feel free to write any form you want.
I am currently updating my long lost forgotten fanfic. Let's see whether my rusty brain can bring out something. Got to reread them again. I have totally forgotten what I wrote for my precious chapter and if I don't read it back again, I wouldn't know to continue.
Look down!
There's a new post just in case you all haven't read it yet.
Look down!
There's a new post just in case you all haven't read it yet.
There's a message to everyone: Scroll down and read^^
Read your tagboard. Replied you for your comment because I don't think you ever read my reply in here. We chat there for this issue. Happy Valentines Day. Have fun with Daniel (His name remind me of the book again. Read down and you will know what book I am talking about). I would love to call him Big Crab but you will most probably kill me.
Your book killed me! I am crying like mad woman with red puffy eyes, red nose and a major nose block. I could have die any second if I didn't stop reading on intervals to cry. However, even though with all the heart-wrenching moments in the story and for that matter, make me cry so badly, I still love that book. By the way, read your blog about Valentines^^
Everyone, (I think I can cut out the rest of you except Jelly that is if she is interested to read it)
Need a good book that makes you cry?( and except Xiemin who laughed reading that book and I did only on the funny parts), feel free to get a hang of PS, I love You.
For god's sake, update your blog. I am swear I am fuming with the "hello?hello?testing, this consider an update?" Update them and prevent yourself from getting scold from me when I meet you. Don't say lazy and got nothing to write. I basically got nothing to write and that is why long long post once again revived.
Evans/Brad Evans/R-Evans/Banana
Had a great day playing your Play Station until my finger hurts and don't say a thing how badly I played them. I am not trained to play PS for I don't own one. And you KNEW how to make super powers for the fighting game. No fair!
Happy Valentines Day. About the present, I am sure all of you will be disappointed but that's the best I can do. Have fun with your boyfriend and I still want my 30% share of your angpaos.
Kah Ann,
We chat in MSN and college. Beware of my pokings!
Papaya and Potato,
Papaya, even though you got internet connection, you are always MIA. You don't even know this blog exist so no message for you. comment. She is turning green with moss as her companion.
Read your tagboard. Replied you for your comment because I don't think you ever read my reply in here. We chat there for this issue. Happy Valentines Day. Have fun with Daniel (His name remind me of the book again. Read down and you will know what book I am talking about). I would love to call him Big Crab but you will most probably kill me.
Your book killed me! I am crying like mad woman with red puffy eyes, red nose and a major nose block. I could have die any second if I didn't stop reading on intervals to cry. However, even though with all the heart-wrenching moments in the story and for that matter, make me cry so badly, I still love that book. By the way, read your blog about Valentines^^
Everyone, (I think I can cut out the rest of you except Jelly that is if she is interested to read it)
Need a good book that makes you cry?( and except Xiemin who laughed reading that book and I did only on the funny parts), feel free to get a hang of PS, I love You.
For god's sake, update your blog. I am swear I am fuming with the "hello?hello?testing, this consider an update?" Update them and prevent yourself from getting scold from me when I meet you. Don't say lazy and got nothing to write. I basically got nothing to write and that is why long long post once again revived.
Evans/Brad Evans/R-Evans/Banana
Had a great day playing your Play Station until my finger hurts and don't say a thing how badly I played them. I am not trained to play PS for I don't own one. And you KNEW how to make super powers for the fighting game. No fair!
Happy Valentines Day. About the present, I am sure all of you will be disappointed but that's the best I can do. Have fun with your boyfriend and I still want my 30% share of your angpaos.
Kah Ann,
We chat in MSN and college. Beware of my pokings!
Papaya and Potato,
Papaya, even though you got internet connection, you are always MIA. You don't even know this blog exist so no message for you. comment. She is turning green with moss as her companion.
Account finally killed off my brain cells and made Xiemin feel like banging on the wall for my constant SMS because she is the expert in Accounts. I hope you are not banging your head Xiemin for you must protect your brain cells and your sanity.
I noticed my handphone credit are decreasing oh so rapidly.'s unavoidable. Calling my father needs credit, SMS-ing needs money and I tend to SMS Digi users.
My "best friend" is not coming eventhough the due date is way over. I am afraid Saturday will be either one of the day she will come and visit me. House visiting on Saturday might be canceled in my part depends on my health condition. The things that usually happened on those days. Sorry guys if I ever miss out another house visiting. The angpaos seems to dislike having me to have a share of them.
By the way, bad luck are not over yet. I met with Mr.Crazy Indian Man for three days in a row and more than once per day.
Bad luck Bad Luck, go away.
Don't ever come again another day.
Let me have my own peaceful way.
And I will be very happy everyday.
I am having Economics mid-term exam on Monday and I haven't even started reading and remembering and understanding them, not even in a slightest bit. Why can't I be a little more hardworking? I believe I said that since I was 13 years old complaining about my procrastinating and last-minute doer attitude but I doesn't seems to change. Talk about strong self motivation.
Currently is 12.12 a.m and I am suppose to be sleeping instead of writing in this. I think because I took a small nap which I did almost everyday or else I wouldn't able to face the book or the computer without fighting to dominate my self- closing eyelids. My stomach is grumbling too. I only ate dim sum bought from my cousin that always buy clothes for me. Nice dim sum with big big prawns inside. My favourite^^
Now that I thought of it, my posts are becoming more and more like my long long emails to poor Melissa. Jumping from one topic to another and they seems endless. Well, bare with me because I haven't be typing at all for so long and my fingers are getting very rusty. I can no longer type fast fast and it's been century since I last forked out something out of my brain to write something. I am already retired from the world of fanfics and writing very unwillingly. Not like they are anything good but the longer I am away from them, the more terrible they get. I am not even reading good good fanfics anymore which I don't think they have because no one in the community is actually writing something worth reading for!!!! As an equally terrible writer, I have no rights to complain but still I have the rights to complain as a reader. It's not bad just that different. Some are too well elaborated that you got lost after two or three lines of Times New Roman font number 10. Some are not even elaborated that you don't understand and actually fell out of mood to read it even though the summary seems interesting. Some just did it nice and good that makes me reread and reread it again and again and still searched it back to read it again. Why aren't they writing?
I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow. So I will keep my another long long post some other time.
I noticed my handphone credit are decreasing oh so rapidly.'s unavoidable. Calling my father needs credit, SMS-ing needs money and I tend to SMS Digi users.
My "best friend" is not coming eventhough the due date is way over. I am afraid Saturday will be either one of the day she will come and visit me. House visiting on Saturday might be canceled in my part depends on my health condition. The things that usually happened on those days. Sorry guys if I ever miss out another house visiting. The angpaos seems to dislike having me to have a share of them.
By the way, bad luck are not over yet. I met with Mr.Crazy Indian Man for three days in a row and more than once per day.
Bad luck Bad Luck, go away.
Don't ever come again another day.
Let me have my own peaceful way.
And I will be very happy everyday.
I am having Economics mid-term exam on Monday and I haven't even started reading and remembering and understanding them, not even in a slightest bit. Why can't I be a little more hardworking? I believe I said that since I was 13 years old complaining about my procrastinating and last-minute doer attitude but I doesn't seems to change. Talk about strong self motivation.
Currently is 12.12 a.m and I am suppose to be sleeping instead of writing in this. I think because I took a small nap which I did almost everyday or else I wouldn't able to face the book or the computer without fighting to dominate my self- closing eyelids. My stomach is grumbling too. I only ate dim sum bought from my cousin that always buy clothes for me. Nice dim sum with big big prawns inside. My favourite^^
Now that I thought of it, my posts are becoming more and more like my long long emails to poor Melissa. Jumping from one topic to another and they seems endless. Well, bare with me because I haven't be typing at all for so long and my fingers are getting very rusty. I can no longer type fast fast and it's been century since I last forked out something out of my brain to write something. I am already retired from the world of fanfics and writing very unwillingly. Not like they are anything good but the longer I am away from them, the more terrible they get. I am not even reading good good fanfics anymore which I don't think they have because no one in the community is actually writing something worth reading for!!!! As an equally terrible writer, I have no rights to complain but still I have the rights to complain as a reader. It's not bad just that different. Some are too well elaborated that you got lost after two or three lines of Times New Roman font number 10. Some are not even elaborated that you don't understand and actually fell out of mood to read it even though the summary seems interesting. Some just did it nice and good that makes me reread and reread it again and again and still searched it back to read it again. Why aren't they writing?
I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow. So I will keep my another long long post some other time.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The words to describe about my college life today is boring and the scariest day ever.
I will skip the boring part as Chloe is absent and both Xiemin(Christine) and I went to the library and rot. We met the Indian guy who kept on talking non stop and I hope you guys still remember about him because the nightmare begins all because of him. We saw him in the library and he was looking at our direction, so as soon he went up to the computer lab, Xiemin and I quickly change table that is beyond his vision.
Later, we have Economics class and class ended late. Me, Xiemin and Kah Ann did not sign the attendance list because there are so many people crowded the list itself so we went for lunch again. Then we went back to the class waiting for Quantitative Methods to start. While I was reading story book, I heard Kah Ann muttering "Help" ever so softly and when I turned to where she is looking at, I saw that bloody Indian guy inside our class and coming our direction. I quickly look back at my book and pretend to ignore him. He shook hand with Kah Ann and I got no choice but to shook hand with him.
Xiemin ignored him but unsuccessfully. We made excuses to go toilet but I am the unlucky one, unable to get away fast enough because he was standing in front of me, blocking my way while the other two walking out of the door. As soon I came out, those two have gone and left me that man alone. I don't know which direction to go anymore and took the longest way =.= He kept on talking and talking and I keep on looking sideways ignoring him. He was like touching my hand.
I saw Kah Yan, her friend and "slang" looking weirdly at me and I know I am making weird expression. My good mood just fell to one hundred layers in Hell. I wanted to go to them and you know just to chat and avoid that man but I am scared later, he will bother them as well so I didn't. I swear I feel like crying at that moment. My face was even more sour than any lime in the whole world.
Half way, I saw those two on the hall way and of course before I am able to send HELP signal, those two ran off again but the man shouted loudly to me .
"Call them! Call them!"
I am of course reluctant to do so and just softly call "Kah Ann." He was like shouting "Christine! The toilet is over here!" I try to walk away as soon as possible but I heard his footsteps getting faster and I groaned. He touch my arm yet AGAIN. I kept on thinking that he planned to enter the toilet with me. And when I finally reach the toilet which seems like so many miles away, he touched my arm AGAIN!!!! and said "Take Care."
I just ignored him and went inside the toilet feeling so scared and i hear running footsteps and I knew Xiemin and Kah Ann reached the toilet as well. When we left the toilet and went to our next class, I don't even have the mood to study anymore. My mind just just like a blank paper.
Told my mum about it and she scolded me. She advised me that I should have warned him and shouted at him loudly not to touch me anymore. She also strongly advise me to complain about him.
Xiemin, Kah Ann and Chloe, do you think we shall tell Econs teacher about him as well as our attendance tomorrow? Or student affair?
I will skip the boring part as Chloe is absent and both Xiemin(Christine) and I went to the library and rot. We met the Indian guy who kept on talking non stop and I hope you guys still remember about him because the nightmare begins all because of him. We saw him in the library and he was looking at our direction, so as soon he went up to the computer lab, Xiemin and I quickly change table that is beyond his vision.
Later, we have Economics class and class ended late. Me, Xiemin and Kah Ann did not sign the attendance list because there are so many people crowded the list itself so we went for lunch again. Then we went back to the class waiting for Quantitative Methods to start. While I was reading story book, I heard Kah Ann muttering "Help" ever so softly and when I turned to where she is looking at, I saw that bloody Indian guy inside our class and coming our direction. I quickly look back at my book and pretend to ignore him. He shook hand with Kah Ann and I got no choice but to shook hand with him.
Xiemin ignored him but unsuccessfully. We made excuses to go toilet but I am the unlucky one, unable to get away fast enough because he was standing in front of me, blocking my way while the other two walking out of the door. As soon I came out, those two have gone and left me that man alone. I don't know which direction to go anymore and took the longest way =.= He kept on talking and talking and I keep on looking sideways ignoring him. He was like touching my hand.
I saw Kah Yan, her friend and "slang" looking weirdly at me and I know I am making weird expression. My good mood just fell to one hundred layers in Hell. I wanted to go to them and you know just to chat and avoid that man but I am scared later, he will bother them as well so I didn't. I swear I feel like crying at that moment. My face was even more sour than any lime in the whole world.
Half way, I saw those two on the hall way and of course before I am able to send HELP signal, those two ran off again but the man shouted loudly to me .
"Call them! Call them!"
I am of course reluctant to do so and just softly call "Kah Ann." He was like shouting "Christine! The toilet is over here!" I try to walk away as soon as possible but I heard his footsteps getting faster and I groaned. He touch my arm yet AGAIN. I kept on thinking that he planned to enter the toilet with me. And when I finally reach the toilet which seems like so many miles away, he touched my arm AGAIN!!!! and said "Take Care."
I just ignored him and went inside the toilet feeling so scared and i hear running footsteps and I knew Xiemin and Kah Ann reached the toilet as well. When we left the toilet and went to our next class, I don't even have the mood to study anymore. My mind just just like a blank paper.
Told my mum about it and she scolded me. She advised me that I should have warned him and shouted at him loudly not to touch me anymore. She also strongly advise me to complain about him.
Xiemin, Kah Ann and Chloe, do you think we shall tell Econs teacher about him as well as our attendance tomorrow? Or student affair?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Today I went to church which is located in my college itself. When I reached there, my sandals string broke off and of course I am unable to walk. I have to drag my right leg and of course I walked like someone who sprained their ankle. I have to avoid stairs =.= At the end of the church session, I go down through stairs from 3rd floor. I took off my sandals for my right leg and walk down the stairs and of course it's unavoidable for people to not notice.
Then I drove home today using my brother's car. My mum keep on screaming when I'm not even speeding. A little shaky yes and turn the steering a little too much and too soon which my father keep on reminding me in a very angry tone. I didn't put the P sign on the car and not bringing the license. I reached home safe and sound^^ I am scared!
Then I drove home today using my brother's car. My mum keep on screaming when I'm not even speeding. A little shaky yes and turn the steering a little too much and too soon which my father keep on reminding me in a very angry tone. I didn't put the P sign on the car and not bringing the license. I reached home safe and sound^^ I am scared!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Well most of you already know what I did today. And for those who doesn't know, I went to Evans house with the Food Gangs. I went there and have Kentucky for lunch. Later on, we exploited his room and both me and Potato play his Play Station until our finger hurts. I am awfully terrible in playing games. Die all the time. While we are playing, the other three are busy playing text twirl in Facebook.
Then, we came out and ate yee sang. Play one round of Chor Tai Dee and home we go. Today is my first experience of seeing our dear wiggling Jelly driving^^ Did I mention Potato and I actually wait for 2 0'clock to arrive just to see the clock that know how to chirps? I forgot what do we call them. It's not grandfather clock right?
These few days, I end up going out on the first day of CNY^^
Second day, I watch TV whole day
Third day, went to friend house.
So, the books I borrowed from Xiemin is like left unattended. Will try my best to give them my attention tonight.
Then, we came out and ate yee sang. Play one round of Chor Tai Dee and home we go. Today is my first experience of seeing our dear wiggling Jelly driving^^ Did I mention Potato and I actually wait for 2 0'clock to arrive just to see the clock that know how to chirps? I forgot what do we call them. It's not grandfather clock right?
These few days, I end up going out on the first day of CNY^^
Second day, I watch TV whole day
Third day, went to friend house.
So, the books I borrowed from Xiemin is like left unattended. Will try my best to give them my attention tonight.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Internet is getting boring every single day. It was most probably because I always online but it's already a routine that I never failed to do. I just checked my email, browsing around websites and I close the whole thing off.
That's exactly what I am doing now.
Chinese New Year is boring because I am currently now doing nothing but walking around my house, eating cookies, watch TV and online and read story books and again eating cookies. Playing with my yesterday-made Jelly too while eating.*toing**toing* They keep on wiggling^^.
My cousin is coming to my house later and I don't really like to let people coming my house sometimes even though there might be ang pao related. I don't even remember she gave me angpao, if yes, probably RM 2 or 5. Btw, it's not the cousin that always buy clothes and cookies for me. It's another one. I have a big family and so many cousins.
Will inform how much I get from this cousin of mine after she gave me.
Now that I mention angpao, my parents didn't give me one!
That's exactly what I am doing now.
Chinese New Year is boring because I am currently now doing nothing but walking around my house, eating cookies, watch TV and online and read story books and again eating cookies. Playing with my yesterday-made Jelly too while eating.*toing**toing* They keep on wiggling^^.
My cousin is coming to my house later and I don't really like to let people coming my house sometimes even though there might be ang pao related. I don't even remember she gave me angpao, if yes, probably RM 2 or 5. Btw, it's not the cousin that always buy clothes and cookies for me. It's another one. I have a big family and so many cousins.
Will inform how much I get from this cousin of mine after she gave me.
Now that I mention angpao, my parents didn't give me one!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Today I cleaned my room, changed the remaining bed sheet that I am unable to do so yesterday night. I online till 1 something in the morning and read Twilight till 2 something and the book is officially finish. It is indeed a very interesting book and I can't wait to read the following books.
Tonight I am going to start on a new book. I have two books to read all thanks to Xiemin. Today I made Jelly(^^). It's a failure. I add two packet of Malic Acid instead of one, so the flavour is too sour. Then I added another packet to make things better with help from my mother, it doesn't taste that sour anymore but still I fail at such an easy task of making ready made Jelly. All I have to do is pour, stir, and put it in a tray.
I really should try how to cook. Seriously.
Tonight I am going to start on a new book. I have two books to read all thanks to Xiemin. Today I made Jelly(^^). It's a failure. I add two packet of Malic Acid instead of one, so the flavour is too sour. Then I added another packet to make things better with help from my mother, it doesn't taste that sour anymore but still I fail at such an easy task of making ready made Jelly. All I have to do is pour, stir, and put it in a tray.
I really should try how to cook. Seriously.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Today I went early to college to discuss our Economics assignment with Xiemin,Chloe and Kah Ann. Then we went for our lunch and I ate Thai Style Fried Rice. A little too salty for my taste and tasted a little weird. Then we headed to our class, finish 20 questions and class dismissed.
And this is where the misery started.
We went to sit at a small table while chit-chatting and relaxing ourself since we got ourself an hour left before our next class. Then, a man from India who came Malaysia one and a half year ago just stepped in and shook hand with Kah Ann first then followed by me and the rest of us. He borrowed Xiemin's Intro to Business text book and started to mumbling by himself which I can't understand due to his heavy India accent. The he took a chair from the next table and started to join us which make me feel weird. Then worst of all he started to talk and talk non stop to me while the rest are busy SMS-ing and pretend to be SMS-ing. I keep on looking down at my bag and back at them to send HELP signal but unfortunately, none of them is looking at me. He asked me so many things and talk to many things about himself that have no concern with me, talking about moron Economics and the the theory X and theory Y of Business and etc. I just oh...mmm...ok...yea....all the way. I did ask him some questions just the sake of entertaining him a little but seriously, I am getting impatient of getting off as I keep on looking at watch and chanting in my head "Faster 4 o'clock. Faster!" The both Chloe and Kah Ann asked him one question each and then not long after, they decided to lie to him that we got class at 3.30 in order to get rid of him.
He said yes and shook my hand again and refuse to let go and patted my back two times saying take care. I was like 0.0 and my whole body went stiff. As soon as he let go of my hand, I just walked away from him. I thanked Chloe for saving me from his endless chatter for about 30 minutes but it seems like he followed us to the lift as well and enter with us asking us what class we are having next and I replied Algebra which is the subject that Chloe is taking since he was looking at her that time. He went into the lift with us and we thought that he have class as well but considering only Kah Ann that push floor 2 and 3 and he did nothing, so I think something is just weird. Then when we reached second floor, Chloe decided to follow us instead of going to third floor. Who wants to when that fellow is there? We stepped out of the lift and he keep on asking Xiemin whether we confirm is this floor that we are going out? Xiemin said yes but I don't think he believe us and continue to ask. Luckily one Chinese guy who enter the lift at first floor scolded him loudly "Hey, if you want to talk, go outside and talk" and thanks to him we are able to get rid of him.
Because we are so scared, we just simply went the wrong way and enter the wrong classroom just to avoid him, scared that he really follow us. I seriously hope that I won't see him again. IF he just being friendly, I think he is too friendly and I don't feel comfortable with it. If we are that unlucky to meet him again, I would pretend to SMS too.
ooh and Xiemin, online at MSN okay? I'll send you the file for you to see because this post is too long.
And this is where the misery started.
We went to sit at a small table while chit-chatting and relaxing ourself since we got ourself an hour left before our next class. Then, a man from India who came Malaysia one and a half year ago just stepped in and shook hand with Kah Ann first then followed by me and the rest of us. He borrowed Xiemin's Intro to Business text book and started to mumbling by himself which I can't understand due to his heavy India accent. The he took a chair from the next table and started to join us which make me feel weird. Then worst of all he started to talk and talk non stop to me while the rest are busy SMS-ing and pretend to be SMS-ing. I keep on looking down at my bag and back at them to send HELP signal but unfortunately, none of them is looking at me. He asked me so many things and talk to many things about himself that have no concern with me, talking about moron Economics and the the theory X and theory Y of Business and etc. I just oh...mmm...ok...yea....all the way. I did ask him some questions just the sake of entertaining him a little but seriously, I am getting impatient of getting off as I keep on looking at watch and chanting in my head "Faster 4 o'clock. Faster!" The both Chloe and Kah Ann asked him one question each and then not long after, they decided to lie to him that we got class at 3.30 in order to get rid of him.
He said yes and shook my hand again and refuse to let go and patted my back two times saying take care. I was like 0.0 and my whole body went stiff. As soon as he let go of my hand, I just walked away from him. I thanked Chloe for saving me from his endless chatter for about 30 minutes but it seems like he followed us to the lift as well and enter with us asking us what class we are having next and I replied Algebra which is the subject that Chloe is taking since he was looking at her that time. He went into the lift with us and we thought that he have class as well but considering only Kah Ann that push floor 2 and 3 and he did nothing, so I think something is just weird. Then when we reached second floor, Chloe decided to follow us instead of going to third floor. Who wants to when that fellow is there? We stepped out of the lift and he keep on asking Xiemin whether we confirm is this floor that we are going out? Xiemin said yes but I don't think he believe us and continue to ask. Luckily one Chinese guy who enter the lift at first floor scolded him loudly "Hey, if you want to talk, go outside and talk" and thanks to him we are able to get rid of him.
Because we are so scared, we just simply went the wrong way and enter the wrong classroom just to avoid him, scared that he really follow us. I seriously hope that I won't see him again. IF he just being friendly, I think he is too friendly and I don't feel comfortable with it. If we are that unlucky to meet him again, I would pretend to SMS too.
ooh and Xiemin, online at MSN okay? I'll send you the file for you to see because this post is too long.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Today I reached college around 7 in the morning and the sky is still so unpleasantly dark. I went alone walking from Block A to C without any thoughts crossing my mind that I might be alone. So, all the walking down the dark dark corridor which I can barely see. Fortunately, there is this guy walking in front of me so I can still see where I'm going but just barely. He went to the library and that left me alone again to Block C. Went up to the ever so torturing stairs and into the lift alone. I was so scared and it feels so creepy getting on a lift alone especially so dark and all. I am actually imagining there is something behind the lift when the door slides open. I am paranoid. I waited outside the Recital Hall around 40minutes for the girl who played piano inside the hall without being kind and let me in.
Then, the least awaited time for Introduction to Probability and Statistic is here. I yawned the very moment I saw my lecturer's face and very energetic when we are having break. It's a crime how looking a person face can make you sleepy. We seated for another two hours for Algebra and Trigonometry which me and Xiemin did not take but Chloe did. Xiemin suggested we should sit behind since we are not learning and even if we wanted, we wouldn't understand a single thing anyways. Then we we are two lanes behind the front seat, she said, lets sit here and so I seated. Chloe turned around and laughed at us saying "Is this what you called sitting at the back?"
I read the story book Xiemin borrowed me entitled "Twilight". I got myself a book reading fan as well. How fortunate^^. This also means that I get to read good story books since I am restricted form buying them. When I was reading half way, the teacher walked towards our direction and I quickly turn my body around and get my pencil case out and pretend to solve the Algebra questions. The whole two hours we are like pretending to do her work and continue to do our own work. Of course, in Algebra class, the fun is we can tease Xiemin afterwards. Surely, it is enjoyable to make speechless and say "Yerrr....hou sui lah lei" (very bad lah you). XD
Then we ate "Chak fan" then have a nice chit chat since we didn't see each other for three days. Then we went to Watson as Xiemin wanted to buy something that wanted to smoothen her nails when applying nail polish. I have no idea what is that but I bought myself a Mentos and Chloe with two packets of biscuit. We promised to do our Economics assignment in the library but our discussion is less than 5minutes and we are back to chatting again.I and Chloe ate biscuit in the library. Old habits hard to die since I always eat in the library. We are really hopeless when we come to chatting. We gossiped too^^ as that is girls specialty.
After lunch we had Economics and class ended early. We went outside the classroom and sat on the floor and once again started chatting and gossiping because it is insanely cold in the classroom with jacket. Poor Kah Ann, no jacket with and refusing to share pocket with me at least to make her hand warm. Haha. Then Chloe went home and the three of us continue with our Quantitative Methods and again class ended early. So I went home and fell asleep with the Economics textbook still in hand and the question paper next to it. Luckily I did not sleep on the paper as well. Did I mention I'm lying on the bed?
SO now, must try to think of a way to finish up my Economics assignment.
P/S: This is a very very long post. Enjoy reading it^^
Then, the least awaited time for Introduction to Probability and Statistic is here. I yawned the very moment I saw my lecturer's face and very energetic when we are having break. It's a crime how looking a person face can make you sleepy. We seated for another two hours for Algebra and Trigonometry which me and Xiemin did not take but Chloe did. Xiemin suggested we should sit behind since we are not learning and even if we wanted, we wouldn't understand a single thing anyways. Then we we are two lanes behind the front seat, she said, lets sit here and so I seated. Chloe turned around and laughed at us saying "Is this what you called sitting at the back?"
I read the story book Xiemin borrowed me entitled "Twilight". I got myself a book reading fan as well. How fortunate^^. This also means that I get to read good story books since I am restricted form buying them. When I was reading half way, the teacher walked towards our direction and I quickly turn my body around and get my pencil case out and pretend to solve the Algebra questions. The whole two hours we are like pretending to do her work and continue to do our own work. Of course, in Algebra class, the fun is we can tease Xiemin afterwards. Surely, it is enjoyable to make speechless and say "Yerrr....hou sui lah lei" (very bad lah you). XD
Then we ate "Chak fan" then have a nice chit chat since we didn't see each other for three days. Then we went to Watson as Xiemin wanted to buy something that wanted to smoothen her nails when applying nail polish. I have no idea what is that but I bought myself a Mentos and Chloe with two packets of biscuit. We promised to do our Economics assignment in the library but our discussion is less than 5minutes and we are back to chatting again.I and Chloe ate biscuit in the library. Old habits hard to die since I always eat in the library. We are really hopeless when we come to chatting. We gossiped too^^ as that is girls specialty.
After lunch we had Economics and class ended early. We went outside the classroom and sat on the floor and once again started chatting and gossiping because it is insanely cold in the classroom with jacket. Poor Kah Ann, no jacket with and refusing to share pocket with me at least to make her hand warm. Haha. Then Chloe went home and the three of us continue with our Quantitative Methods and again class ended early. So I went home and fell asleep with the Economics textbook still in hand and the question paper next to it. Luckily I did not sleep on the paper as well. Did I mention I'm lying on the bed?
SO now, must try to think of a way to finish up my Economics assignment.
P/S: This is a very very long post. Enjoy reading it^^
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I went to Tesco today and we have trolley jam. Suffer.
I squashed my P license because I can't remember putting it inside my pocket.
Nobody wanna let me drive as they got no self confidence in me and thought that their life are way too precious for me to kill in car crash.
Didn't buy Jolly Shandy or Angelia but Tesco Choice IsoPlus. (=.=)
Didn't buy any snack that I wanted because my father back hurts terribly and my mother as usual nag and scold me for no reason at all. I didn't even mention I want to buy them.
Did I mention I squashed my own P license? It can bend into 2 now. (T.T)
Blame my family for not letting me drive and keep on pestering me about driving to college.
Seriously....get me a car first and actually give me proper driving lesson with automatic car before pestering me about driving to college.
Such supportive family members that I wanted to gag.
One thing I am not really looking forward to is Chinese New Year. It will be boring thats a definitely.
I squashed my P license because I can't remember putting it inside my pocket.
Nobody wanna let me drive as they got no self confidence in me and thought that their life are way too precious for me to kill in car crash.
Didn't buy Jolly Shandy or Angelia but Tesco Choice IsoPlus. (=.=)
Didn't buy any snack that I wanted because my father back hurts terribly and my mother as usual nag and scold me for no reason at all. I didn't even mention I want to buy them.
Did I mention I squashed my own P license? It can bend into 2 now. (T.T)
Blame my family for not letting me drive and keep on pestering me about driving to college.
Seriously....get me a car first and actually give me proper driving lesson with automatic car before pestering me about driving to college.
Such supportive family members that I wanted to gag.
One thing I am not really looking forward to is Chinese New Year. It will be boring thats a definitely.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
I changed the layout simply because I am bored.
And all I have to say is:
"Oh my goodness! So pink that my eyes hurt.The only thing that is not pink is my chat box and the clock."
Anyone know how to change the font black? This pink is killing me. Maybe I should change back to my old layout or find a better layout? Any opinion?
Re-Edit: It seems like I lost my comment link again. Tried to fix it but it's not working. So opinion will have to go to the chatbox.
Re-Re Edit: I think I prefer this layout better. Why?
First:it's not too pink.
Second:It's brown and do not hurt your eyes.
Third: I like the picture^^
Fourth: The font is nice.
Fifth: It's not pink!
And all I have to say is:
"Oh my goodness! So pink that my eyes hurt.The only thing that is not pink is my chat box and the clock."
Anyone know how to change the font black? This pink is killing me. Maybe I should change back to my old layout or find a better layout? Any opinion?
Re-Edit: It seems like I lost my comment link again. Tried to fix it but it's not working. So opinion will have to go to the chatbox.
Re-Re Edit: I think I prefer this layout better. Why?
First:it's not too pink.
Second:It's brown and do not hurt your eyes.
Third: I like the picture^^
Fourth: The font is nice.
Fifth: It's not pink!
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